Sawdust Bay and its Role in the Interpretation of Ottawa Valley Archaeology Hugh J. Daechsel Heritage Quest Inc. Kingston, Ontario Abstract: The role of small sites in the interpretation of the Eastern Ontario Middle Woodland period is evaluated through a re-examination of Sawdust Bay 2, a small, seasonal campsite located on the Ottawa River. This site, featuring a ceramic assemblage with a predominance of pseudo-scallop shell impressions and utilization of local cherts, has been identified as part of the Ottawa Valley Phase within the Point Penisula Tradition (Daechsel 1981). Subsequent research in Eastern Ontario has provided a more substantial understanding of the temporal sequences of Middle Woodland ceramics (Watson 1992). A considerable number of additional Middle Woodland sites have also been identified but very few have been investigated. The results of these investigations suggest patterns of regionalization for Middle Woodland Period populations. Excavation and analysis of assemblages from smaller sites hold considerable promise in further understanding these patterns in Eastern Ontario.